What does sono.emit do?
When you need to send a message to all clients that are currently connected to the server, emit method is used to execute that task. It takes in one argument, a message, to send to all clients that are currently connected via websocket through the channels list.
Client Side
1// Listening for requests coming into server2for await (const req of server) {3 // Serving an html file when client first connects to server4 if (req.method === "GET" && req.url === "/") {5 const path = `${Deno.cwd()}/index.html`6 const content = await serveFile(req, path);7 req.respond(content)8 }9 /* An example of how we can use emit once the client side sends the 10 initiation of a WebSocket handshake and the process is complete */11 else if (req.method === "GET" && req.url === "/ws") {12 sono.connect(req, ()=> {13 sono.emit('new client connected')14 });15 }